3 Tips To Becoming a Recession-proof Leader. #2:Use The Difficulty.
When starting out on the theatre stage, British actor Michael Cane acted in a play that got a bit out of hand. As he was about to enter the stage, one of the other actors threw a chair in an act of well-improvised fury, effectively blocking his entrance.
‘’I can’t get on stage!’ Michael whispered in panic to the play director.
‘Use the difficulty!’ - director hissed.
‘If it’s a comedy, fall over the chair, if it’s a drama - smash it!’.
As so, ‘use the difficulty’ became Michael Cane’s life philosophy, fuelling his long and successful acting career.
What difficulties are you currently experiencing in your team and your business?
How can you use them to your advantage?
What will you do differently, not out of fear but in search of an opportunity?
Even if you make it only 1% better, you will still have done something productive and learnt from it. In accordance with the marginal gains theory that is all you need as long as you implement your learnings consistently.
The marginal gains theory states that small yet significant improvements can lead to monumental results. It is otherwise known as the 1% Factor and was credited to the GB Cycling team’s Olympic success.
Becoming a recession-proof, resilient leader is as much about reframing the difficulty with a positive mindset, as it is about purposeful action that follows the learning.
With my coaching clients, one of questions we most often go back to is: what could go right?
This is so that the risk-averse mind can shift away from the typical ‘’what could go wrong'' scenario, where it tries to protect you, but also hides potential opportunities for growth within the challenge.
Challenge fuels growth and innovation.
Who would you, and your business be without it?
Let's use the difficulty.